



How to build private-label loyalty: the case for sustainability

When the world locked down, spending behavior shifted. Fewer products were available and costs rose; triggering many to turn from favorite household brands to private-labels. This trend has been supercharged as the cost-of-living rises. In January 2023, 83% of American consumers bought private-labels instead of name brands.[1]

This is no surprise. In a tough economy, consumers often gravitate to private-labels. But in brighter economic times, will they turn back? History suggests they will.

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Meet The Marketing Channel With A 100% Open Rate: How To Capitalize On The Unboxing Experience

Today, 80% of consumers shop online. That figure is only set to increase, with 80 million more digital buyers in 2023 than in 2022. The potential is huge: brands now have access to a vast new pool of customers. Acquired at the click of a button.

But at such scale, how can you deliver a truly memorable customer experience—one that’s worth sharing? Customers may be shopping in their PJs, but expectations are higher than ever. With experiential marketing booming and social media a key brand discovery channel, a nice UX alone won’t cut it.

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